Green & Gold 5K + Fun Run

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This fun-for-the-whole-family event features a timed 5K along with a costume fun run/Leprechaun chase. Prizes are awarded to the top three finishers in each category for the 5K with awards given for the Best Costume, Best Themed Team, and Best Overall for the fun run.

The inaugural Green & Gold St. Patty's 5K + Fun Run is set for Saturday, March 15, 2025.

Register early to guarantee your commemorative race shirt! All remaining shirts will be as supplies last the day of the race.



Race Schedule

7:45 a.m. | Registration Ends

8:00 a.m. | 5K Starts

9:00 a.m. | Trophy Presentation for 5K

9:35 a.m. | Fun Run/Leprechaun Chase Starts

10 a.m. | Awards Presentation for Fun Run


Sponsorship Levels for the Green and Gold 5K starting at $100 and going up to a title sponsorship of $1,000

Ready to Sponsor?

Fill out the form below to submit the sponsorship level of your choosing.

All sponsorships are 501(c)(3) Tax Deductible.

For sponsorship questions or additional event information, contact the Foundation