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Confidentiality of Student Records

JSCC Policy Number: Not Yet Assigned

TBR Policy Reference:

TBR Guideline Reference: Not Applicable

Approved By: Dr. Dr. Jeff Sisk

Original Date Effective: 2020-06-19

Last Modified: N/A

Responsible Office: Admissions and Records

The purpose of this policy is to develop procedures at Jackson State Community College to control electronic access to student records consistent with TBR Policy, Confidentiality of Student Records.

It is the policy of the Tennessee Board of Regents and Jackson State Community College to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) and, in so doing, to protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable educational records of students and former students. 

Documentation received to complete student educational records at Jackson State Community College are entered into the Student Information System.  Following the Jackson State Retention of Records policy, items to be maintained are scanned into the student digital file and the paper documents are shredded. 

Jackson State Community College limits electronic access to student educational records and has placed a statement on the Banner log-in screen stating, “Unauthorized disclosure of personally identifiable information from the educational record of a student is prohibited by the Family Education and Privacy Act.”

Only College officials and/or persons employed by the institution who exhibit a genuine need to know based on a legitimate educational interest may have access to students’ records.  A legitimate educational interest shall be limited to an interest arising from the faculty/staff member’s fulfillment of his/her assigned responsibilities and disclosure shall be limited to such information as necessary to fulfill these responsibilities.

Faculty and staff requiring access to electronic records must:

  • Secure the “Access to Banner” form from the Office of Information Technology
  • Complete the form and sign
  • Have the supervisor sign and date the form
  • Forward the form to the Security Officer
  • The Security Officer will:
    • Determine if the person is employed at Jackson State Community College and in what capacity
    • Check to see if the person has been trained on the screens he/she is requesting
    • Check to see if the person is eligible to access the areas he/she is requesting
    • If the person has not been trained grant viewing privileges only
    • If the person has been trained grant access to the screens or elements requested
    • If the person does not have a legitimate educational interest in securing this access, deny access
    • Sign and date the form and forward the completed form to the Office of Information Technology for processing.