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Web Publishing Policy

JSCC Policy Number:

TBR Policy Reference:

TBR Guideline Reference: Not Applicable

Approved By: President's Cabinet

Original Date Effective: 2024-06-17

Last Modified: N/A

Responsible Office: Chief Marketing and Communication Officer


The JSCC website exists as the institution’s most important communication, marketing, community engagement, and recruitment tool. Therefore, the website should maintain and build upon the projected image of the College through the highest level of excellence in engagement, education, and workforce development. This policy facilitates usability and consistency and promotes a cohesive online brand throughout all institutional websites that correlate directly with other communication and visual representation methods.


Domain – Domain names recognized as associated with the College (.edu or campaign-related websites).

College Server – For the purposes of this policy, “College Server” refers to a computer system or a network of computer systems either owned, maintained, contracted with, or operated by the College for purposes of housing official College websites as approved by the CMO.

College Website – For the purpose of this policy, a website/webpage is any publicly accessible digital content delivered on behalf of the College. It does not include administrative enterprise applications such as Banner or D2L or faculty pages meant to provide resources for a specific class.

College-affiliated Web Pages - Websites developed, maintained or hosted by entities other than the College but referenced or used to conduct official business or to represent the official voice of the College.

Web Content Managers - Any employee given express written permission to create or edit content on behalf of the College on a website.

Definitions included in the overarching Marketing and Communications Policy ( apply.


  1.  General Web Publishing
    1. College websites, including text, images, video, and other content, must follow local, state, and federal laws, including accessibility requirements and other applicable marketing, communication, branding, and information technology policies and procedures.
    2. All websites representing the College must be approved, authorized, established, and maintained by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) or designee(s). Webpages should serve a clear purpose related to the College’s mission and goals.
      1. Colleges should document appropriate procedures for units, programs, and initiatives in local policy or guidelines for website creation, including requesting web content managers.
      2. Access to and/or passwords for websites are limited to designated communications/marketing staff members and others only as authorized by the CMO. A minimum of three people should have access to college websites.
    3. College websites are the property of the College; thus, web content managers must relinquish all rights and access to the accounts upon employment separation for any reason.
    4. Web content managers must be full-time employees of the College or vendors with fully executed contracts with the College as approved by purchasing and the CMO.
    5. College websites must follow the TBR Policy, Publications in reporting websites as publications.
  2. Brand and Content
    1. College websites should reside on a College server and under the College domain.
    2. Any website or online form should be delivered via secure (SSL/TLS) connection.
    3. College websites should follow all College brand and editorial standards as set by the CMO.
    4. College websites should be accessible and reviewed regularly for accessibility.
    5. Website content should be regularly reviewed by web content managers and other College staff to ensure compliance to maintain accuracy and relevancy.
    6. All college website content must follow local, state, and federal laws regarding truth in advertising and other consumer protection laws.
    7. Each College website must have at least one link to the college non- discrimination/EEO statements, privacy statement, TBR, and other applicable rules and regulations for accreditation.
    8. Website content should be accurate, timely, and be consistent with the College brand and editorial guidelines.
    9. College-affiliated websites must comply with any applicable College branding policies and standards as defined in TBR Policy, Branding and Trademarks.
    10. Due to relevancy, temporary, ad hoc, or expired websites should be deleted or archived promptly.
    11. Direct or indirect, implied or inferred institutional endorsement for a commercial third-party by the College is prohibited.
  3. Privacy and Data Collection
    1. All websites should follow applicable local, state, and federal data privacy laws, as well as privacy policies in place at TBR.
  4. Exemptions and Exceptions
    1. It is understood some Colleges may have cross-functional duties between marketing and communications and that the website manager might fall under either in the organizational chart or in another unit. It is also understood that TCAT websites share responsibility with the System Office. Thus, Colleges are expected to comply with the intent outlined in this policy regardless of organizational design or title.
    2. Exemptions and exceptions outlined in the overarching Marketing and Communications Policy ( apply.



T.C.A. § 49-8-203


New Policy approved December 12, 2023, Board meeting.