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Technology Purchases

JSCC Policy Number: Not Yet Assigned

TBR Policy Reference: NA

TBR Guideline Reference: Not Applicable

Approved By: President's Cabinet

Original Date Effective: 2015-10-16

Last Modified: 2024-06-03

Responsible Office: Office of Information Technology


This policy establishes guidelines for purchasing hardware, software, and other information technology components and equipment at Jackson State Community College. This policy will allow Jackson State to standardize information technologies purchased, resulting in better pricing, faster request processing, and improved technical support delivery to end users.


This policy covers all information technology hardware, software, and computer-related components purchased at Jackson State. Specifically, the following technology resources are within the scope of this policy:

  • Desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and servers.
  • Software running on the devices mentioned above.
  • Peripheral equipment, such as printers and scanners.
  • Cables or connectivity-related devices.
  • Audio-visual equipment, such as projectors, smart boards, etc.

All hardware, software, or components purchased with Jackson State Community College funds are the property of Jackson State Community College. This also includes all items purchased using a personal credit card for which the employee is later reimbursed.


For any software purchase or freeware, a Risk Assessment must be completed. The purchaser must collect a VPAT for the software on both purchased and freeware software. The VPAT and Risk Assessment would be included with the purchase requisition.

Any agreement, including click-wrap agreements, for any “free” software must be approved by TBR Purchasing and Contracts prior to installation by the Office of Information Technology.

All technology purchases, including software, hardware, and accessories such as printers, scanners, etc., must go through the Office of Information Technology prior to purchase.

All installation of technology must be installed by the Office of Information Technology.

General Procedures
  • If an employee or department wishes to purchase hardware, software, or computer-related components, they should contact the Office of Information Technology via phone, email, or an OIT work order.
  • If an employee or department wishes to install hardware, software, or computer-related components, they should contact the Office of Information Technology through an OIT work order.
  • OIT will assist you in determining your needs and provide quotes on the product.
  • Some consumable items are kept in inventory in OIT and we are able to charge back to your department without going through the purchase order process.


Exhibit 2 Risk Assessment Form