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Branding Standards and Trademarks Policy

JSCC Policy Number: 9:01.01.00

TBR Policy Reference: 9:01.01.00 (formerly

TBR Guideline Reference: Not Applicable

Approved By: President's Cabinet

Original Date Effective: 2018-05-01

Last Modified: 2024-06-17

Responsible Office: Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Read the Brand Standards Guide


To enhance, maintain and protect the brand identity of Jackson State Community College and its operational units, this policy governs the use of all words, logos or symbols used to identify or distinguish services affiliated with JSCC or any part of JSCC for any purpose. It provides that all appropriate applicable guidelines pertaining to the words, logos, symbols or other brand identifiers must be followed.


College Trademark/Brand (hereafter “Brand”) - All logos, seals, names, symbols and slogans and trade dress used by and associated with JSCC, whether or not registered with either or both the state and federal government.

Definitions included in the overarching Marketing and Communications Policy ( apply.


  1. Brands
    1. JSCC Brands are the exclusive property of the College. No person or entity other than JSCC may claim rights in or seek to register any design that uses JSCC Brands.
    2. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) should maintain a brand guide outlining the proper usage of logos, seals, fonts, and other assets deemed necessary by JSCC when using the logo.
      1. The JSCC Brand Guide: Read the Brand Standards Guide
    3. Any marketing or promotional materials representing or created on behalf of JSCC must be clearly identified with the JSCC brand and follow the Publications Policy
    4. Reproduction or use of these marks for any purpose not explicitly allowed by this policy, whether or not for commercial purposes, must have authorization from the CMO.
    5. Only the President or CMO can grant permission to use any JSCC Brand.
    6. JSCC Brands may not be altered in any way without the authorization of the CMO.
    7. Each use of a JSCC Brand, unless specifically authorized by this policy, requires approval from the College CMO.
      1. JSCC shall adhere to appropriate procedures for units, programs, initiatives, and outside entities, including student groups and organizations, in local policy or guidelines to request Brand usage or licenses.
      2. Licenses cannot be granted indefinitely. Each license must have a specified and reasonable duration.
    8. Approval to use a Brand for a one-time application only does not constitute approval to use the Brand again, in connection with any other item, or to change the design in any way.
    9. JSCC Brands may not be used in conjunction with the name or brand(s) of any other entity without the prior written permission of the CMO.
      1. In the case that permission is granted to use the College Brand and another entity’s logo in a design, the logos must be distinct and separate.
    10. The JSCC Brands may not be used to discriminate or imply discrimination against any person or group protected by federal or state civil rights law or in any other way that would violate JSCC’s non-discrimination policies or practices.
    11. College Brands are prohibited from use on, but not limited to, the following:
      1. Alcoholic beverages
      2. Inherently dangerous products - such as firearms or explosives
      3. Tobacco-related products
      4. Illegal drug-related products
      5. Obscene or disparaging products
      6. Sexually suggestive products
      7. Business names and or logos
      8. Products that present an unacceptable risk of liability
      9. Products that are inconsistent with, or harmful to, JSCC’s mission or designs that would tend to damage the reputation or degrade the goodwill of JSCC.
    12. Businesses may use JSCC Brands in a non-permanent fixture (i.e., window painting, removable lettering on marquees) supporting an event.
      1. Such displays may not contain solicitation for selling of products or services, but the company name/logo may appear.
    13. Individuals or organizations may not use the JSCC Brands in conjunction with a candidate for political office or policy/legislative issue.
    14. A registered student organization or sport club team may use the JSCC name in its title, publications or letterhead to show its status as a registered student organization, but may not use the name in a manner that creates confusion between it as an organization and JSCC itself, nor in a manner that would in any way constitute an endorsement, approval or underwriting of any organization, product, activity, service or contract by the College.
    15. The following use of JSCC Brands by JSCC departments does not require prior approval from the College CMO.
      1. The use of Brands in the ordinary course of conducting JSCC business.
      2. Internal use of the JSCC Brands remains under the jurisdiction of the CMO, and applicable publications and advertising policies still apply.
  2. TBR System Office
    1. All TBR operating units, programs and initiatives must clearly identify themselves as functions of the Tennessee Board of Regents. Each should include the name at a minimum and graphic identifier where possible for the Tennessee Board of Regents (seal, word mark, etc.) on printed publications, marketing materials, on web sites, on social media accounts, and other applicable communications pieces.
    2. The TBR System identifiers must follow the graphic identity style guide.
  3. Exemptions and Exceptions
    1. Exemptions and exceptions outlined in the overarching Marketing and Communications Policy ( apply.



T.C.A. § 49-8-203


New Policy established at Board Meeting, December 5, 2013. Updated TCAT style guide, September 8, 2023; December 12, 2023, Board approved (formerly