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Payroll Time Sheet Policy

JSCC Policy Number: Not Yet Assigned

TBR Policy Reference: Not Yet Assigned

TBR Guideline Reference: Not Yet Assigned

Approved By: Dr. Bruce Blanding

Original Date Effective: 2010-02-08

Last Modified: N/A

Responsible Office: Business Services


The Time Sheet is the official recqrd of employee work time and leave taken.


The Time Sheet must be signed in ink by the employee and the supervisor. The hours worked and leave time must be totaled by week and a grand total by month

Full Time Employees

All full time employees except faculty on a nine month contract are required to complete a Time Sheet. The approved Time Sheet must be in the Payroll Office by the 1 oth of the month for the preceding calendar month. Faculty on a nine month contract are required to inform their department of the number of hours of sick leave taken in the previous calendar month. The department prepares a report of sick leave taken which is signed by the department head and sent to the Payroll Office by the 1 Oth of the month for the preceding calendar month.

Part Time Employees

All part lime employees are required to comrlete a Time Sheet. The approved Time Sheet must be in the Payroll Office by the 1 ?1 of the month and covers work completed from the 15th of the previous month through the 15th of the current month.

College Work Study Students

The Time Sheet for College work-study students must be submitted by the supervisor to the Financial Aid Office for certification of pay. The Time Sheet will cover work completed from the 15th of the previous month through the 15th of the current month. The Financial Aid Office will submit the Time Sheet to the Payroll Office by the 1 ylh of the month.