Academic Suspension Procedures

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TBR Policy Reference:

Approved by: President's Cabinet

Original Date Effective: 2021-11-29

Last Modified: 2024-06-17

Retention Standards 


  • The minimum quality point average required to achieve the associate degree is 2.0.
  • In addition, a student who fails during any term to attain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for the credit hours attempted will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term.
  • At the end of the next term of enrollment, a student on academic probation who has failed to attain a 2.0 GPA for that term will be suspended for one term. The summer term is not to be counted as the term of suspension but if a student is suspended after the spring term, their required term to sit out would be fall.  
  • Students who have been suspended from the College due to academic performance have the option of filing a suspension appeal. If the appeal is approved, the student may be allowed to enroll again before the complete suspension period has ended.
  • Student appeal forms must explain severe extenuating circumstances that contributed to their recent academic performance.  Documentation of the extenuating circumstance should be attached to the Academic Suspension Appeal form.  A compelling argument for how recent performance would not be repeated if an appeal were granted must also be included.
  • Academic appeals and supporting documentation will be reviewed by the Admissions and Standards Committee for approval or denial.    
  • If the appeal is denied by the Admissions and Standards Committee, the student after providing additional documentation or explanation, can appeal to the Vice President of Student Services.  

 Admissions and Standards Committee

The Admissions and Standards Committee is a JSCC standing committee that reviews academic suspension appeals to determine if the student may be allowed to enroll again before the complete suspension period has ended.

The committee structure contains the following representation:

  • Minimum of tw0 (2) faculty members – can either be 12-month faculty members or 9-month who are teaching during the summer.
  • Permanent Member – Director of Admissions and Records - Chair
  • One representative from BUS/CIT/IT (Even Year)
  • One representative from Health Sciences (Even Year)
  • One representative from Nursing (Odd Year)
  • One representative from Communication and Humanities(Even Year)
  • One representative from Social and Behavioral Sciences (Odd Year)
  • One representative from Math & Natural Sciences (Odd Year)
  • One non-faculty representative (Optional) (Annually)
  • Permanent Member – Director of Advising
  • Permanent Member – Dean of Students
  • Permanent Member – Counseling Staff