Review of Institutional Procedures

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TBR Policy Reference: NA

Approved by: President's Cabinet

Original Date Effective: 2024-06-03

Last Modified: 2024-06-03

Jackson State Community College is required to follow TBR policies and guidelines by incorporating them into institutional policies and procedures. JSCC recognizes that faculty, staff and students are essential members of the campus community and contribute to the progress of the College. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that appropriate campus constituents participate in and make recommendations concerning the formation and revision of institutional procedures.

All institutional procedures must be categorized into the following major chapters.

Institutional Procedures:

Governance, Organization, and General



Business and Finance


Sexual Discrimination/Harassment/Misconduct 

Safety and Security 


Marketing and Communications

All institutional procedures will be alphabetically listed under major chapters.

  1. All changes in existing and future institutional procedures will be developed in accordance with the exact headings, margins, and format of this procedure.
  2. President's Cabinet members are responsible for ensuring that appropriate institutional procedures are developed and/or revised for areas under their supervision. Offices responsible for updating are assigned during the initial development and/or review process.
  3. Review Process

The review process shall be as follows:

      1. Proposed institutional procedures or non-editorial institutional procedure revisions must be recommended by the President's Cabinet member responsible for the area proposing the procedure.
      2. Proposed new institutional procedures and institutional procedure revisions will be presented to the President's Cabinet for initial review and determination of routing for comments.
      3. Institutional procedure changes that are editorial in nature will not be subject to the full ten (10) day review, but will require review by the President's Cabinet and president.
      4. Exceptions to the ten (10) day review period can be made by the President’s Cabinet.
      5. Comments may be requested from Faculty Senate, Staff Council and Pro Tech Council. When comments are received, they should be presented to President's Cabinet for review prior to finalizing the new or revisions to institutional procedures. If no comments are received within ten days from the date of the initial request for comments, the institutional procedure may be presented to President's Cabinet for final review before finalizing the institutional procedure at the following Cabinet meeting. The Compliance & Risk Office (CRO), along with the President’s Office, will coordinate the receipt of comments by representatives of these campus groups.
      6. The Originator of the institutional procedure revision must complete a Policy/Procedure Transmittal form and a Word, red-lined copy of the procedure within the campus’ Dynamic forms portal.  The procedure revision will then be approved by the originator’s direct supervisor and the CRO before being routed to the appropriate division Vice President for presentation to the President’s Cabinet.
      7. The president must formally approve the Policy/Procedure Transmittal form for each institutional procedure and/or institutional policy revision. This action will be taken, using the Dynamic form portal, after the item is officially reviewed and finalized by the President’s Cabinet.
      8. After finalizing, electronic copies of new or revised institutional procedures, along with the completed Transmittal form signed by the president, will be forwarded to the CRO. 
      9. Upon receipt of approval of new or revised institutional procedure, the CRO, President’s Office or Cabinet representative will provide campus-wide notification via electronic mail indicating the name of the new or revised institutional procedure, the date approved, and the availability of the updated institutional procedure on the JSCC website.
      10. The CRO and President’s Office will maintain the official copy of all institutional procedures, including archival copies within a campus shared drive. Offices that wish to maintain hard copies of the institutional procedure manual should use the JSCC online policy/procedure manual as their reference resource for making copies.
      11. The CRO will be responsible for initiating reviews of all published institutional procedures.
      12. Designated offices shall be responsible for modifying JSCC institutional procedures when modifications arise from TBR actions.

Jackson State Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees.  As a member institution of the SACSCOC, Jackson State is required to comply with all policies of the commission.  The Director of Institutional Research and Accountability, as accreditation Liaison with the commission, shall be responsible for continually auditing Jackson State policies and practices to ensure the college complies with SACSCOC policies, including the establishment of any institutional policies and procedures required by the commission.  Any finding of non-compliance will be brought before the President’s Cabinet for appropriate resolution.