Psychology Courses

PSYC 1030 General Psychology Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 18
Co-Req: None
General Psychology is an introductory survey course which explores
the scientific study of human behavior. Topics include: the history of
psychology, research methodology, psychobiology, learning, memory,
intelligence, motivation, emotion, personality, psychopathology, and

PSYC 2110 Psychology of Adjustment Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: READ 0892, ENGL 0892
Co-Req: None
Psychology of Adjustment is a course designed to explore psychological health, adaptation, and the application of psychological principles to the challenges of living. Topics include: stress and coping, relationships, interpersonal communication, wellness, self-identity, work, technology and social media, human behavior and the environment, and positive psychology.

PSYC 2120 Social Psychology Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 18
Co-Req: None
A study of the methods and findings in social psychology with an
emphasis on the following areas: conformity, mass communication,
propaganda, persuasion, self-justification, human aggression, prejudice, human attraction, and communication.

PSYC 2130 Life Span Psychology Credit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 18
Co-Req: None
A course presenting a topical approach to human growth and development. The theories of Piaget, Kohlberg, Erikson, and others are
covered, and emphasis is placed upon language, cognition, personality, social behavior, emotions, and physical development across the
life span. Contemporary neuroscience contributions to the study of
development will also be explored.