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Compliance & Risk

The Office of Compliance & Risk is responsible for monitoring various local, state, and federal guidelines and policies, campus risk assessment and aversion, business continuity planning efforts, and an array of other campus compliance areas.

Terri Messer is the Compliance & Risk Officer and the campus Title VI and IX Coordinator.


Terri Messer
Compliance & Risk Officer, Title IX Coordinator
Jackson State Community College
Administration Building, 125B
731-424-3520 Ext. 50326


  • Success and Innovation (formerly A & D Grant)

  • Business Continuity

    • The College realizes the importance of planning and preparing for the unexpected.  The college uses Kuali, a third-party business continuity program, to help us "do tomorrow, what we were doing yesterday, regardless of what happens today".  For more information on revising your department's continuity plan, contact JSCC's site coordinator, Terri Messer,
  • Disclosure/Conflict of Interest

  • Drug-Free Workplace

  • Federal Compliance – Title VI & VII – Discrimination & Harassment

    What is discrimination or harassment?
    Discrimination may occur by treating individuals less favorably because of their race, color, religion, creed, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, age (as applicable), status as a covered veteran, genetic information, or any other category protected by federal or state civil rights law.
    Harassment is conduct that is based on a person's race, color, religion, creed, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, age (as applicable), status as a covered veteran, genetic information, or any other category protected by federal or state civil rights law that (i) adversely affects a term or condition of an individual's employment, education, or participation in the College's activities (ii) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's employment or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, offensive, or abusive environment of the individual or (iii) used as a basis for or a factor in decisions that tangibly affect that individual's employment, education or participation in the College's activities.
    The following JSCC policy has been adopted to address such compliance:
    Discrimination & Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedure

    If you feel you have discriminated against or harassed, follow these reporting instructions:
    How and to whom to report discrimination and harassment incidents: Reporting Discrimination and Harassment Form

  • Federal Compliance – Title IX – Sexual Misconduct

    It is the intent of Jackson State Community College to fully comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, §485(f) of the HEA, as amended by §304 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, the regulations implementing these Acts found at 34 CRF §668.14, §668.46, and Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 668; and Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Service Act and Regulations issued pursuant thereto found at 45 CFR parts 83 and 85.  The following JSCC policies have been adopted to address such compliance:
    Sexual Misconduct and Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment or Sexual Misconduct

    What is Title IX Sexual Misconduct - a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.  The College is committed to helping rid the campus of any and all acts of Sexual Misconduct.  As set forth in the above linked policies, Sexual Misconduct includes Title IX Sexual Harassment, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Sexual Assault.
    How and to whom to report sexual misconduct incidents: Sexual Misconduct Intake Form
    Title IX Coordinator
    Training for Title IX Administrators
  • Free Speech

  • Minors on Campus

  • Policy Repository

  • Public Records Request

    • The College follows the Tennessee Board of Regents, Records Request policy. 
      All requests should be emailed directly to:  Terri Messer,
  • Records Retention and Disposal of Records

  • Risk Assessment

    • The CRO leads in conducting campus risk assessments, identifying levels of risk and assisting with risk mitigation efforts.  For more information on Jackson State's risk aversion efforts, contact Terri Messer,