Whether you are part of JSCC’s management, a faculty or staff member, a student, or an interested citizen, we encourage you to report known or suspected fraud, waste, or abuse by employees, outside contractors, or
vendors (T.C.A. § 8-50-116).
Actions to Report
Activities such as the following, either known or suspected, should be reported:
- Theft or misappropriation of funds, supplies, property, or other college resources
- Forgery or alteration of documents
- Unauthorized alteration or manipulation of computer files
- Improper and wasteful activity
- Falsification of reports to management or external agencies
- Pursuit of a benefit or advantage in violation of the Board’s conflict of interests policy
- Authorization or receipt of compensation for hours not worked
Reporting Options
Several options are available to all JSCC employees, students and others for reporting known or suspected fraud, waste or abuse.
You may report your concerns:
- To your supervisor, department head or to the JSCC President
- To the JSCC Internal Audit Department
Phone: (731) 424-3520, ext. 52611
Email: bfrederick@jscc.edu - To the Tennessee Board of Regents
Phone: (615) 366-4441
Email: ReportFraud@tbr.edu
TBR Fraud, Waste and Abuse Website - To the Tennessee Comptroller’s Hotline for Fraud, Waste and Abuse
Phone: 1-800-232-5454
Tennessee Comptroller's Fraud, Waste and Abuse Website
If you are a supervisor or department head and you receive a report of fraud, waste or abuse, please contact JSCC Internal Audit at (731) 424-3520, ext. 52611 for further assistance.
Internal Audit has reporting responsibility to the Audit Committee of the Tennessee Board of Regents. This reporting relationship enables Internal Audit staff to independently and objectively review matters involving any level of administration.
When Internal Audit receives allegations of dishonesty or other irregularity by an employee, outside contractor, or vendor, they are required to conduct an investigation.
Supervisors should not attempt to conduct investigations nor alert suspected employees of an impending investigation.
In an investigation, objectives include verifying the facts, maintaining objectivity and confidentiality, determining responsibility, and recommending corrective actions to help ensure that similar actions do not occur in the future.