Things to Consider When Planning Your Schedule

Thinking about your work schedule is helpful for several reasons. It helps determine times of day you should schedule your classes. It can also help you decide how many classes you can manage. Finally, thinking about your work schedule can help you determine whether classes on-campus or online is the right choice for you.

Online classes give you flexibility to get work done but understand that you will need to keep on top of assignment due dates and emails. Online courses are not at your own pace because you must still turn assignments in on time and take quizzes and tests on specific dates.


Hybrid courses allow you to meet less frequently than fully in-person classes by shifting some assignments and material partially online. Not all classes are offered in all formats, particularly in students’ first semester.

Always be realistic with yourself. Most types of financial aid don’t require you to take a full course load (12+ hours). If you have many things going on in your life, consider taking less classes to ensure your success.

Again, be realistic. If you are not a morning person, don’t sign up for an 8 AM class. If you are not an evening person, try to plan your classes for earlier in the day.

Jackson State has 4 locations. If you live closer to one of our satellite centers, be sure to check that center’s class listing to register for a class closer to you. If you are only taking online, keep in mind that resources are still available to you at any center.

Challenges that could impact your ability to be successful could include a wide range of issues including transportation, childcare, housing insecurity, health issues, mental health issues, and the list goes on. When thinking about planning your class schedule, keep these things in mind to be sure you plan a class schedule that works for you.

If you earned credit through Dual Enrollment, military training, professional certifications, or through a Dual Credit, CLEP, or AP exam, you may need to submit or request that information for the college. Email Admissions and Records [] for more help with that!

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