Reserving the Van Veatch room
1. Reservations should be made with the library staff. Reservations can be made in person at the library front desk, or by calling 425-2609.
2. Two or more students can reserve the room.
3. People reserving the Van Veatch room should state their reason for using it, as well as give the name, phone number and email address of a contact person.
4. JSCC personnel and students may reserve the Van Veatch room for College business, meetings, training or study, but the room may not be reserved for personal or commercial reasons.
5. The Van Veatch room is for persons affiliated with the College only.
6. The Van Veatch room can be reserved up to one week in advance. Groups of two or more people may reserve the room for periods up to 3 hours
7. A group can request up to another 2 hours, if no one else has reserved the room at the end of a first 3 hour session. One of the group members must come to the library front desk and request the additional time, as well as check to see if anyone else has reserved the room.