EMT-Paramedic Additional Information

EMT-Paramedic Program Topics

Find more information about the EMT-Paramedic Program with the links below.

Find more helpful links below about EMT-Paramedic program requirements.

View an EMT-Paramedic course list

Learn about EMT-Paramedic Program Performance facts at the link below.

General Admission Procedures

EMT Basic

License can only be obtained by successful students who are at least 18 years old, in good physical and mental health, and have no history of felony conviction.

EMT Application-Basic

EMT Advanced

Admission into the EMT Advanced program requires successful completion of EMT Basic program with State of Tennessee EMT Basic license.

EMT Application-Advanced


Applicants to the Paramedic Program must be currently licensed as a Tennessee Advanced EMT. Entrance requirements include an entrance exam, interview process, and all of the admission requirements of the college.

Paramedic applications are accepted from March 1st until July 1st.

Paramedic Application

Admission to the College

A prospective student seeking admission to Jackson State Community College for the first time will be required to have on file, in the Office of Admissions and Records, the following items:

  1. An application for admission to be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee. This is paid at registration and should not be sent with the program application.
  2. A transcript from an approved high school, verifying that the student has graduated, or a copy of the student's high school equivalency diploma, or a copy of his/her satisfactory GED test scores (average 45 or above).
  3. Transfer students must provide official transcripts from each college attended.
  4. Advanced placement is not available for these certificates or degree

To ensure adequate time for processing, admissions applications and all required transcripts and documentation should be submitted at least one month before you plan to register. All required official transcripts must be on file in the Admissions Office before students are permitted to register.

Financial Aid

For students who need financial assistance to attend college, the Office of Financial Aid offers a wide variety of assistance.

EMT Estimated Costs

All prices are estimates.

Basic EMT Estimated Costs
16 hours (tuition and fees) $2,574.50
Books  (Textbook, CPR provider manual and skills manual) $160.75
Uniform Polo (recommend 2) (paid by Student at Uniform Source) $100.00
Boots $125.00
Stethoscope $75.00
Pants (recommend 2) (Black or blue EMS or Cargo pants) $100.00
Background check  $29.50 
Drug Screen  $38.75
Platinum Planner EMT $30.00
EMS Testing EMT $45.00
Liability Insurance $11.05
AHA CPR Card Fee $5.00 
Total For Semester $3294.55

Licensure Fees

(required by other agencies/entities) **

** Please note that licensure fees are not applicable under specific circumstances. Specific information regarding this exception will be provided to each participant by the instructors.

State EMS Division $50.00 application fee and $75.00 license fee, Criminal Background Check of 32.56 
National Registry $ 80.00 (each exam attempt)

Basic or Developmental courses as required based on student Accuplacer Test (if required) may cause additional charges.

Students wishing to continue into the Paramedic Program must also complete the AEMT program and take specified General Education Courses. Please see the Program Director for specific information.

Advanced EMT Estimated Costs
16 hours (tuition and fees) $2,574.50
Books $474.00 for Textbook and skills manual 
Uniform Polo (recommend 2) $100.00 (Paid by Student at Book Store)
Boots $125.00
Stethoscope $75.00
Pants (Recommend 2) $100.00
Background check $29.50
Drug Screen $38.75
Platinum Planner $56.50
EMS Testing $66.50 
Liability Insurance $11.05
Total For Semester $3650.08

Licensure Fees

(required by other agencies/entities) **

State EMS Division Application Fee $70.00, License Fee $80.00 and Criminal Background Check $32.65
National Registry $ 115.00 (each exam attempt)

Students wishing to continue into the Paramedic Program must also complete the AEMT program.  Please see the Program Director for specific information.


Basic or Developmental courses as required, based on student’s ACT or Accuplacer Test scores, must be completed before acceptance into the Paramedic Program. Please see a counselor or consult the JSCC catalog for requirements regarding Basic or Developmental courses. In addition, please review all requirements for admission to Jackson State Community College in the college catalog. Application for admission to the Paramedic program does NOT constitute application for admission to the college. Both application processes must be successfully completed in order to enter the program.

The JSCC Paramedic Program has the option of Associate of Applied Science Program based on 60 credit hours of academic work. There are 17 general education credits required and 43 core program credits required for successful completion of the program. While the sample schedule below is representative, the anticipated cost may be altered if the student carries different credit loads than the sample schedule listed below. In addition, completing Developmental courses may also affect total credit load and have an impact on tuition costs.  A student can choose to get the Paramedic Certificate without obtaining or before obtaining an associate degree.  

Paramedic Tuition and Fees
First semester $2,422.50
Second Semester $2,574.50
Third Semester $2,014.50
Total Tuition $7,011.50 
Other Expected Fees
Books   $941.72.00
"Card" Fees (PHTLS, ACLS, PALS) $40.00
School Supplies $150.00
Uniform Polo (4 uniforms Paid by Student at Book Store) $200.00
Platinum Planner $85.00
EMS Testing $97.50
Background check $29.50
Drug Screen $38.75
Liability insurance  $11.05
Duty Boots $120.00
Pants (Recommend 4 Black cargo or EMS Pants) $200.00
Stethoscope $75.00

Total Program Cost (estimate): $9,000.02

Book costs may vary depending upon whether the student purchases new or used books or chooses to rent their books where possible. There may also be changes in cost estimates based upon what humanities course is chosen.

It is important to note that an additional background check required for licensure in the State of TN, licensure fees to the State of TN, and fees for taking the National Registry exam will be incurred while still attending JSCC. These additional fees, while not paid to JSCC, will have to be planned into the student’s budget as part of their overall financial obligations in order to complete the process of becoming a paramedic.

TN Application Fee is $75.00 

TN License Fee is $100.00
Background Check for Licensure requirements by TN is $32.65.
National Registry Exam fees per attempt for Paramedic is estimated at $125.00.

More About Costs

It is important to note that all of the fees listed above may change without notice based on the individual vendors that provide services and/or products to the students.  This cost estimate should only be used as a guide to planning your budgetary needs for this program.

EMT Courses

EMSA 1111 Advanced EMT ClinicalCredit Hrs: 1

Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 14+, Admission to AEMT Program
Co-Req: EMSA 1501 and EMSA 1201
The Advanced EMT Clinical is one of two courses designed to allow the student to meet all psychomotor and affective objectives for the
clinical requirements of an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician program and build upon the concepts and knowledge gained during
prior and/or concurrent courses.

EMSA 1112 Advanced EMT Field InternshipCredit Hrs: 1
Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 14+, Admission to AEMT Program
Co-Req: EMSA 1111, 1502 and 1202
The Advanced EMT Field Internship is the one of two courses designed to allow the student to meet all psychomotor and affective
objectives for the clinical requirements of an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician program and build upon the concepts and knowledge gained during prior and/or concurrent courses.

EMSA 1201 Advanced EMT Medical SkillsCredit Hrs: 2
Pre-req.: Admission to AEMT Program;
Co-req.: EMSA 1501 and EMSA 1111
Course Description: The Advanced EMT Medical Skills Lab is the one of two laboratory based courses intended to focus the student on developing skills related to theory presented in didactic classes taken as co-requisites for this course. This laboratory experience will utilize scenarios to emphasize airway maintenance, medication administration, and successfully assessing patients with a variety of medical concerns.

EMSA 1202 Advanced EMT Trauma Med SkillsCredit Hrs: 2
Pre-Req: EMSA 1201
Co-Req: EMSA 1502 and 1112
The Advanced EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab is one of two laboratory based courses intended to focus the student on developing
skills related to theory presented in didactic classes taken as co-requisites for this course. This laboratory experience will utilize scenarios
to emphasize airway maintenance, medication administration, and successfully assessing patients with a variety of medical concerns.

EMSA 1501 Advanced EMT Med EmergCredit Hrs: 5
Pre-req.: Admission to AEMT Program;
Co-req.: EMSA 1201 and EMSA 1111
Course Description: The Advanced EMT Medical Emergencies is the one of two lecture courses which includes basic and limited advanced skills focused on the acute management and transportation of critical and emergent patients. This course includes the following topics: Emergency Medical Responder and Emergency Medical Technician- National Educational Standards competencies, roles and responsibilities of the AEMT, workforce safety, wellness, public health, communications, documentation, medical/legal/ethical considerations, anatomy and physiology, life span development, pathophysiology, patient assessment, critical thinking, airway management, respiratory emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies, acute diabetic emergencies, abdominal and gastrointestinal emergencies, urologic emergencies, anaphylactic reactions, and behavioral emergencies.

EMSA 1502 Advanced EMT Trauma Med EmerCredit Hrs: 5
Pre-Req: EMSA 1501
Co-Req: EMSA 1202 and 1112
The Advanced EMT Trauma and Medical Emergencies is one of two lecture courses which includes basic and limited advanced skills
focused on the acute management and transportation of critical and emergent patients. This course includes the following topics: obstetrics
and gynecology, neonatal care, pediatric emergencies, geriatric emergencies, environmental emergencies, patients with special challenges,
EMS operations, trauma and shock. Trauma and shock will include the following topics: bleeding, soft tissue injuries, head & spine injuries, face & neck injuries, chest injuries, abdominal & genitourinary injuries, and orthopedic injuries.

EMSB 1101 EMT Medical Skills LabCredit Hrs: 1
Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 14+,Admission to EMT Program
Co-Req: EMSB 1601 and EMSB 1111
EMT Medical Skills Lab is a laboratory based course utilizing scenarios to emphasize EMS operations, communications, documentation, medical/legal/ethical considerations, airway management, respiratory emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies, acute diabetic
emergencies, abdominal and gastrointestinal emergencies, urologic emergencies, anaphylactic reactions, behavioral emergencies, assisting
with medication administration, and successful assessment of patients with a variety of medical concerns. This course includes application of
principles and processes discussed in EMT Medical Emergencies.

EMSB 1102 EMT Trauma Medical Skills LabCredit Hrs: 1
Pre-Req: EMSB 1101
Co-Req: EMSB 1602 and 1112
EMT Trauma and Medical Skills Lab is a laboratory based course utilizing scenarios to emphasize obstetrics and gynecology, neonatal
care, pediatric emergencies, geriatric emergencies, environmental emergencies, patients with special challenges, trauma and shock.

EMSB 1111 EMT ClinicalCredit Hrs: 1
Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 14+,Admission to EMT Program
Co-Req: EMSB 1601 and EMSB 1101
EMT Clinical is the one of two clinical courses designed to allow the student to meet all psychomotor and affective outcomes for the
clinical requirements of an EMT program and build upon the concepts and knowledge learned in EMT Medical Emergencies and EMS

EMSB 1112 EMT Field InternshipCredit Hrs: 1
Pre-Req: EMSB 1601, 1101, 1111
Co-Req: EMSB 1602 and 1102
EMT Field Internship is the one of two clinical courses designed to allow the student to meet all psychomotor and affective outcomes for the
clinical requirements of an EMT program and build upon the concepts and knowledge learned during prior and/or concurrent courses.

EMSB 1601 EMT Med Emerg and EMS OperCredit Hrs: 6
Pre-Req: ACT READ 19, ACT ENGL 14+,Admission to EMT Program
Co-Req: EMSB 1101 and EMSB 1111
EMT Medical Emergencies and EMS Operations is the one of two lecture courses designed to provide the student with the knowledge
of an entry-level Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). This course includes the following topics: Emergency Medical Responder-National
Educational Standards competencies, roles and responsibilities of the EMT, workforce safety, wellness, public health, communications,
documentation, EMS operations, medical/legal/ethical considerations, fundamental anatomy and physiology, life span development, fundamental pathophysiology, patient assessment, airway management, respiratory emergencies, cardiovascular emergencies, acute diabetic
emergencies, abdominal and gastrointestinal emergencies, urologic emergencies, anaphylactic reactions, and behavioral emergencies.

EMSB 1602 EMT Trauma and Medical EmergCredit Hrs: 6
Pre-req.: none;
Co-req.: EMSB 1601, 1101, 1111, 1102 and 1112
Course Description: EMT Trauma and Medical Emergencies is the one of two lecture courses designed to provide the student with the knowledge of an entry-level Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). This course includes the following topics: obstetrics and gynecology, neonatal care, pediatric emergencies, geriatric emergencies, environmental emergencies, patients with special challenges, trauma and shock. Trauma and shock will include the following topics: bleeding, soft tissue injuries, head & spine injuries, face & neck injuries, chest injuries, abdominal & genitourinary injuries, and orthopedic injuries.

EMSP 1311 Paramedic Clinical ICredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: Admission to Paramedic program, ACT READ 19
Co-Req: EMSP 1401 and 1801
Paramedic Clinical I is the first of three clinical courses designed to allow the student to meet all psychomotor and affective objectives for
the clinical requirements of a paramedic program and build upon the concepts and knowledge gained during the first semester.

EMSP 1401 Paramedic Skills LabCredit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: Admission to Paramedic program, ACT READ 19
Co-Req: EMSP 1801 and 1311
Skills Lab I is a laboratory based course utilizing scenarios to emphasize airway management, medication administration, and successful
assessment of patients with a variety of medical concerns and an introduction to cardiology. This course includes application of principles
and processes discussed in Fundamentals I.

EMSP 1801 Fundamentals of Paramedic ICredit Hrs: 8
Pre-Req: Admission to Paramedic program, ACT READ 19
Co-Req: EMSP 1401 and 1311
Fundamentals of Paramedic I is the first of two lecture courses to include the following topics: paramedic roles, responsibilities, workforce
safety, wellness, public health, communications, documentation, EMS operations, medical/legal considerations, anatomy and physiology, life
span development, general pathophysiology, general pharmacology, patient assessment, critical thinking, airway management, respiratory
emergencies and introduction to cardiology.

EMSP 2303 Paramedic PracticumCredit Hrs: 3
Pre-req: EMSP 1401 and 2402
Co-req: EMSP 2403 and 2513
Paramedic Practicum is a combination of laboratory and scenarios based course intended to assist students on developing skills related to the theories presented in their previous courses. This course will allow for preparation for psychomotor licensure testing and preparation as a competent entry level Paramedic.

EMSP 2402 Paramedic Skills Lab IICredit Hrs: 4
Pre-req: EMSP 1801, 1401, and 1311
Co-req: EMSP 2802 and 2412
Paramedic Skills Lab II is a laboratory based course intended to utilize scenarios to emphasize respiratory/cardiac emergencies (on-going from EMSP 1401), pulmonology, neurology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, urology and nephrology, hematology, gynecology, obstetrics, neonatology, pediatrics, trauma, continuing cardiology, and successful assessment of patients with a variety of medical conditions. This course includes application of principles and processes discussed in Fundamentals I.

EMSP 2403 Paramedic CapstoneCredit Hrs: 4
Pre-req: EMSP 1801 and 2802
Co-req: EMSP 2303 and 2513
Paramedic Capstone serves as a mechanism to insure that the student meets academic requirements to test for National Registry and licensure. This course will include all necessary steps needed to complete the program including exit exams, preparation for National Registry practical and written exams, exit interviews, patient care review by the Medical Director, and any other administrative requirements that the program may deem necessary.

EMSP 2412 Paramedic Clinical IICredit Hrs: 4
Pre-req: EMSP 1801, 1401, and 1311
Co-req: EMSP 2802 and 2402
Paramedic Clinical II is the second of three clinical experiences designed to allow the student to meet all psychomotor and affective objectives for the clinical requirements of a paramedic program and to build upon the concepts and knowledge gained during prior and/or concurrent courses.

EMSP 2513 Paramedic Field InternshipCredit Hrs: 5
Pre-req: EMSP 1311 and 2412
Co-req: EMSP 2303 and 2403
Paramedic Field Internship provides evidence that the student is capable of acting as a team leader in managing the emergency care and treatment of an injured or ill patient at the paramedic level. The student will demonstrate competency in this role. While all skill sets should have been achieved prior to initiating the internship, patient types and pathologies may be used from this experience to complete the minimum graduation academic requirements as set forth in CoAEMSP accreditation documents and the Tennessee Office of EMS.

EMSP 2802 Fundamentals of Paramedic IICredit Hrs: 8
Pre-req: EMSP 1801, 1401 and 1311
Co-req: EMSP 2402 and 2412
Fundamentals of Paramedic II is the second of two lecture courses to include the following topics: respiratory & cardiology (on-going from EMSP 1801), pulmonology, neurology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, urology and nephrology, hematology, gynecology, obstetrics, neonatology, pediatrics, geriatric emergencies, psychological emergencies and trauma/shock.

EMT 100 Introduction to EMSCredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None
Co-Req: DSPM Mods. 1-4, DSPR 0700, DSPW 0700
This course provides the participant with an introduction to the Emergency Medical Services system. Content includes ethics, legal considerations, critical incident stress management, and an historical account of the EMS system.

EMT 101 Basic EMT ICredit Hrs: 6
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 100.
This is the entry level course to the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) profession. Areas to be included are: EMT roles and responsibilities, airway management, patient assessment, medical emergencies, anatomy and physiology, documentation, lifting and moving, and communications. Practical labs will be conducted. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be eligible to enroll in EMT 102. EMT 102 must be completed successfully for the student to be eligible to take the State of Tennessee Basic EMT Licensure Examination. EMT 102 must be completed in the semester immediately following EMT 101. If EMT 102 is not taken in this manner, EMT 101 must be repeated.

EMT 102 Basic EMT IICredit Hrs: 6
Pre-Req: EMT 101.
Co-Req: EMT 104.
Must be taken in same academic year as EMT 101 to be submitted for licensure. Areas to be included in this course are: childbirth, trauma emergencies, pediatric emergencies, environmental emergencies, behavioral emergencies, and ambulance operations. Practical labs will be conducted. Emergency department and prehospital clinical experience is required. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be eligible to take a comprehensive competency-based examination. A passing score of 80 percent is required to be eligible to take the Basic EMT Licensure Examination given by the Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services.

EMT 104 EMT Extended SkillsCredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: EMT 100 and EMT 101.
Co-Req: EMT 102.
This course prepares the EMT student to perform skill competencies consistent with State of Tennessee EMT regulations. Content areas include intravenous access, pharmacology and medication administration for the Basic EMT, and review of airway management. Practical lab and clinical experiences are required.

EMT 141 EMS Symposium ICredit Hrs: 2
Pre-Req: None
Co-Req: None
The focus of this course will be topics of current interest in the field of Emergency Medical Services. Subjects covered will relate to skills, procedures, or knowledge required by current and future practitioners in order to provide high quality care.

EMT 142 EMS Symposium IICredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None
Co-Req: None
The focus of this course will be topics of current interest in the field of Emergency Medical Services. Subjects covered will relate to skills, procedures, or knowledge required by current and future practitioners in order to provide high quality care.

EMT 150 Independent Study in EMTCredit Hrs: 1-6
Pre-Req: Admission to the Paramedic Program or permission of the EMT Program Director.
Co-Req: None
This course of study is designed to meet individual learning needs. Faculty supervision and guidance is provided to accomplish the selected learning objectives.

EMT 159 PreparatoryCredit Hrs: 6
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 160, 161, 164.
Introduction of the student to the role of the EMT-Paramedic in the health care delivery system. The well-being of the EMT-Paramedic, including illness and injury prevention, will be taught. Other topics include venous access and medication administration, therapeutic communication, and life span development.

EMT 160 Principles of PathophysiologyCredit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 159, 161, 164.
This section introduces pathophysiology as it correlates to the disease process. Cellular composition and function, including alterations in body fluids environment, will be taught. Other topics include genetics, familial disease, hypoperfusion, the body's self-defense mechanism, the inflammatory process, immunity, and stress response to diseases.

EMT 161 Patient AssessmentCredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 159, 160, 164.
Introduction of the student to patient assessment utilized by the EMT-Paramedic. History taking, techniques of physical exam, conceptual approach to the process of patient assessment, clinical decision making, patient interaction, and documentation will be taught. This section will lay the foundation for additional course work in patient assessment, stabilization, and treatment.

EMT 162 Pre Hospital Pharmacology IntrCredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 163, 165, 170.
Introduction of the student to general groups of drugs and classification of each. Topics include therapeutic effects of drugs, indications, contraindications, dosage and side effects. Also, the student will learn methods of administering medications after calculations of appropriate dosages. This unit is designed to help the EMT-Paramedic implement a patient management plan based on principles and applications of pharmacology. Issues such as personal responsibility for safe and therapeutically effective drug administration within legal and ethical realms will be taught.

EMT 163 Medical SituationsCredit Hrs: 6
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 162, 165, 170.
Introduction of the student to medical illnesses as encountered by the EMT-Paramedic. This section incorporates previously learned abilities into teaching the pathophysiology, symptomology, and treatment for diseases and injury to the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, and nervous system. Topics include areas of instruction in pulmonary, cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, allergies, gastroenterology, renal and urology, toxicology, hematology, environmental disorders, infectious and communicable diseases, behavioral disorder, gynecology, and obstetrics. ACLS certification will be awarded during this course to students meeting the established criteria of the American Heart Association.

EMT 164 Airway ManagementCredit Hrs: 2
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 159, 160, 161.
This section is designed to teach the EMT-Paramedic student how to establish and maintain a patent airway, oxygenate, and ventilate a patient. Details of upper and lower airways, including differences in pediatric variations, is taught. Other topics include details of respiration, ventilation, measurement of gases, and causes of decreased oxygen concentrations in the blood. Psychomotor skill labs will be conducted.

EMT 165 Clinical Experience ICredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 162, 163, 170.
Clinical education is comprised of time spent in various area hospitals, clinics, field trips, and EMS agencies. Major emphasis is placed on EMS observation, emergency room, labor and delivery, pediatrics, operating room, and recovery room.

EMT 170 EMS OperationsCredit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 162, 163, 165.
The student will practice previously learned paramedic skills. Medical incident command, rescue operations and awareness, basic water rescue, confined space rescue awareness, highway/vehicle rescue operations, hazardous terrain, hazardous materials awareness and operations, and crime scene awareness and operations will be conducted.

EMT 171 Patient ManagementCredit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 172, 173.
This is a continuation of Medical Situations. Topics to be covered will
include: neonatology, pediatrics, geriatrics, abuse and assault, patient with special challenges, and care of chronic care patients. In addition, the student will practice patient assessment and management through simulated scenarios.

EMT 172 Trauma EmergenciesCredit Hrs: 4
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 171, 173.
Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support concepts to the Standards of the American College of Surgeons will be presented. This section will allow the student to integrate pathophysiological trauma principles and assessment findings into an ability to formulate a general field impression and implement a patient treatment plan. Topics include trauma systems, mechanism of injury, hemorrhage, shock, soft tissue trauma, burns, head and facial trauma, spinal trauma, thoracic trauma, abdominal trauma, and musculoskeletal trauma.

EMT 173 Clinical Experience IICredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 171, 172.
A continuation of EMT 165. Major emphasis includes the addition of coronary care, intensive care, and psychiatric units.

EMT 180 EMS Clinical Experience IIICredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 181.
A continuation of EMT 165 and 173. Minimum competencies are required for successful completion.

EMT 181 InternshipCredit Hrs: 3
Pre-Req: None.
Co-Req: EMT 180.
Summative evaluation of experience from classroom and clinical settings within pre-hospital Advanced Life Support Units will be gained. This experience must be conducted under the direction of a licensed EMT-Paramedic or a course instructor. Under supervision, the student will be exposed to injuries and illnesses and will participate in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient while working in an environment approximating that found upon graduation. The intern will progress from observer, through team member, to a leadership role as a pre-hospital provider as part of the summative evaluation. Minimum competencies are required for successful completion.

EMT Careers

Graduates of the Emergency Medical Technology Programs have many opportunities for employment. The traditional method of employment is offered by local emergency medical services. Many graduates also move into other areas such as flight programs, emergency departments, industrial EMTs, sports medicine, fire departments, law enforcement, dispatchers, school health programs, state and national parks, theme parks, and other specialized areas, such oil drilling operations.

The Basic Emergency Medical Technician

The EMT has completed nine months of training in the basic management of the injured and ill patient. Basic Life Support skills include patient assessment, review of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, treatment of burns, splinting of fractures, dressing and bandaging, assisting with out-of-hospital childbirths, oxygen therapy, ambulance operations and related emergency care. EMTs are licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services.

The Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic

The EMT-Paramedic is a professional EMS Provider. He/she completed the Basic EMT requirements plus the educational requirements for licensure as a Paramedic. The Paramedic Program is a fifteen month program that includes classroom, clinical, and field instruction. Paramedics are responsible for all Basic EMT skills plus Advanced Life Support Skills such as medication administration, endotracheal intubation, ECG monitoring and interpretation, defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion, comprehensive patient assessment, and advanced management of medical and trauma emergencies. EMT-Paramedics are licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services.

EMT Licensure & Credentialing

Graduates of the Emergency Medical Technology Programs have many opportunities for employment. The traditional method of employment is offered by local emergency medical services. Many graduates also move into other areas such as flight programs, emergency departments, industrial EMTs, sports medicine, fire departments, law enforcement, dispatchers, school health programs, state and national parks, theme parks, and other specialized areas, such oil drilling operations.

The Basic Emergency Medical Technician

The EMT has completed nine months of training in the basic management of the injured and ill patient. Basic Life Support skills include patient assessment, review of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, treatment of burns, splinting of fractures, dressing and bandaging, assisting with out-of-hospital childbirths, oxygen therapy, ambulance operations and related emergency care. EMTs are licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services.

The Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic

The EMT-Paramedic is a professional EMS Provider. He/she completed the Basic EMT requirements plus the educational requirements for licensure as a Paramedic. The Paramedic Program is a fifteen month program that includes classroom, clinical, and field instruction. Paramedics are responsible for all Basic EMT skills plus Advanced Life Support Skills such as medication administration, endotracheal intubation, ECG monitoring and interpretation, defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion, comprehensive patient assessment, and advanced management of medical and trauma emergencies. EMT-Paramedics are licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Emergency Medical Services.

Life and Work Experience for Credit Policy

Pursuant to the published policy for Jackson State Community College, any experiential learning or life experience acceptable for application toward other requirements for an Associate degree in the students chosen field will be considered for credit.  However, since (1) the State of Tennessee requires that all Paramedic Program Graduates who are candidates for licensure must have taken and passed the National Registry of EMTs exam and (2) the National Registry of EMTs requires satisfactory completion of an approved and accredited program in order to take the registry exam, experiential learning and life experience will not be acceptable for credit in any EMT or Paramedic course.

Paramedic Program Performance

CAAHEP Accredited Paramedic Programs and CoAEMSP Letter of Review (LoR) Programs track and report outcome measures annually to the Committee on Accreditation for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).

The most current CoAEMSP Annual Report was for the calendar year 2021.

The most recent success rate for the National Registry of EMT Paramedic/State Cognitive exam was 75%

The most recent positive placement rate for graduates was 100%.  Positive placement is defined by the CoAEMSP as ‘Employed full or part-time in a related field and/or continuing his/her education and/or serving in the military’.  Positive placement is measured at completion of the program.

The most recent retention rate was 67%.


NREMT Cognitive
Exam pass rate

NREMT Psychomotor
Exam pass rate

Retention Rate

Graduate Job
Placement Rate































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