This is a one-day non-credit course offered through the Workforce Solutions department of JSCC. Non-credit courses are not eligible for financial aid, and college admission is not required.
This one-day introductory course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills to use Microsoft Excel effectively. It covers fundamental concepts such as navigating the Excel interface, entering and formatting data, creating formulas and functions, and working with charts and tables. By the end of the course, participants will be able to use Excel to organize, analyze, and present data efficiently.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Excel
- What is Excel and its primary functions
- Navigating the Excel interface: ribbon, tabs, groups
- Basic Excel terminology: workbook, worksheet, cell, row, column
- Opening, saving, and closing workbooks
Entering Data
- Typing text and numbers into cells
- Formatting cells: number formats, font, alignment, borders, and colors
- Autofill feature: filling cells with patterns and series
Basic Formulas and Functions
- Creating simple formulas: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Using built-in functions: SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT
- Using cell references in formulas: relative and absolute references
Formatting and Printing
- Formatting worksheets: page setup, margins, orientation, and scaling
- Printing worksheets: print preview, page breaks, and print options
Working with Charts
- Creating basic charts: column, bar, line, and pie charts
- Customizing charts: chart titles, axis labels, legend, and data labels
- Formatting chart elements: colors, fonts, and styles
Using Excel Tables
- Creating and formatting Excel tables
- Using table features: sorting, filtering, and total rows
Writing formulas within tables
Cost of Course: $160
McWherter Center - 37 Alumni Drive