Basic Principles
Jackson State Community College recognizes the importance of establishing an Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Human Subjects Research that is consistent with the 1974 National Research Act (Pub. L. 93-348) and that follows the ethical principles set forth by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research in the Belmont Report. 1
In the United States, IRBs are governed by Title 45 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 46. These regulations established the IRB as one mechanism through which human subjects would be protected.
The 1978 Belmont Report identified three basic ethical principles for acceptable research involving human subjects. These principles, (1) respect for persons, (2) beneficence, and (3) justice, are now accepted as the three critical requirements for the ethical conduct of research involving human subjects. What follows is a brief explanation of the meaning of each of these principles for governing acceptable research on human subjects:
Respect for persons involves the recognition of the personal dignity and autonomy of individuals, and includes special protection of those persons with diminished ability to make informed choices. This principle underlies the need to obtain informed consent.
Beneficence entails an obligation to protect persons from harm by maximizing anticipated benefits and minimizing possible risks. This principle of beneficence underlies the need to engage in a risk/benefit analysis and to minimize risks to human subjects in any proposed research project.
Justice requires that the benefits and burdens of research be distributed fairly. The principle of justice requires that subjects be fairly selected.
1 "The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research" was released in 1978 by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.
Policy and Forms
Please read the JSCC-IRB policy in its entirety. There are instructions to guide you in completing the proper forms.
JSCC Internal Review Board Policy
Form A: Institutional Research Board Application
Attachment to Form A: Exempt Application
Form B: Expedited/Full Board Review Application
Form C: Investigator's Assurance
Please contact Dr. Amber Nelms at anelms@jscc.edu if you have any questions concerning the research approval process at JSCC.