Before being able to register, you will need to complete our New Student Orientation. If you have not already done so, please sign up for a session here.
Registration Instructions for New Student and New Transfer Students:
If you were a recent Dual Enrollment student, use the previous or continuing degree-seeking registration help information instead of the new student registration information.
In order to register, you will need to have received your Advising PIN. If you have not received your advising PIN, please reach out to your advisor or email advising@jscc.edu.
As a non-degree or transient student, you will need an Advising PIN to register. Please email advising@jscc.edu for assistance.
If you log in to jWeb and only have a "Future Student" tab, please refer to the New Student or New Transfer Student registration help section above.
If you log in to jWeb and have a "Student One-Stop" tab, please refer to the Previous or Continuing Student registration help section above.
To register for classes:
- Reach out to your advisor in the weeks before registration begins to discuss and plan your upcoming semester.
- After meeting with your advisor for advising, you will be provided a new registration PIN.
- Log into jWeb and register for classes for the selected term (Summer, Fall, or Spring).
- If you have questions or need assistance, contact advising@jscc.edu
If you do not have the correct advisor, have registration errors, need help changing your major, or have other advising concerns, visit Academic Advising or email advising@jscc.edu.

Register for Orientation in 5-minutes or less!
Our orientation is designed to get you off to a great start by providing practical knowledge and JSCC specific information that will help you succeed. Click below to get started today!